Author Archives: terest test

The End of the Rainbow

Fall is in the air.  The kid is back in school.  With grandma watching the kid for the week, we decided to work like dogs and try to squeeze as much out what was left of the season as we could.  We spotted this rainbow, unfortunately, the end is located on a neighboring claim, but hey, gold washes downstream right?

We decided to try a little experiment.  Normally, we clean out the sluice every time we stop the pump, for lunch, or for the night.  Since we were working with a reduced crew, we decided to leave the sluice alone for a few days.  Normally, we see nothing on top of the mats when we stop, but after a few days, we started to see some color.  The yellow matting we use is discarded pipeline insulation material, works great for miners moss.  However its hard to see the gold since it is the same color as the mat.  Look closely, the gold is slightly more orange.

gold in sluiceEverything was going great, equipment working fine, gold in the sluice.  We had uncovered some large rocks in the dig site, always a good sign.  We were disappointed in the rainy weather, but with a full set of rain gear on, we managed to stay warm.  Then minutes into the last run on the second day, we heard a loud   “snap” from the little Kubota tractor we use for loading the trommel.  We had broken the loader for what seemed like the 100th time this year.  This is a great tractor, but not really built for what we are asking it to do.

broken kubota










Resigned, we cleaned the sluice.  We ran the cons though the mini highbanker.  There was so much black sand and the entire black mat was covered with gold.  At this point we were navigating by flashlight, so held the panning until daylight and toasted the end of our season by the light of the fire.  We got somewhat toasted ourselves I might add…


The next morning we panned the concentrates and were pleased by the results.  We called around trying to locate a replacement loader, but Alaska is a hard place to find parts, especially for an early 90’s model Kubota.  We decided to head for home and see if we could fix it ourselves and maybe salvage a day or two of the week.







Working Weekend

With the kid back in school, we must finish our season with what time we can spare on weekend and holidays. This one cut short by yet more breakdowns and rain. The idler casters that keep the trommel from moving horizontally had to be replaced. We ripped the pull string out of our main pump, and to too it all off broke a steering hose on the backhoe.
Everything was a wet, muddy, soup. All those beautiful salmon we videoed last time are rotting in the creek. We had to be extra vigilant about bears.
We managed to pull it together in time to run a few hours until the dark made us stop. Yes it’s starting to get dark around 9:30 pm, really a hamper to mining. 🙂

Winding Down

The salmon have returned to the creek.  I could sit down there for hours watching them.  After so many years in the ocean, they return to the very same river the were born.  Nature is amazing!  Seems our mining activities are really disturbing them!


We actually got a great video of them with our go pro camera.  The first salmon you see is a king (chinook), rare these days, the bright ruby red ones are reds (sockeye) salmon.

Time is running out in the season, the kid has to start school pretty soon.  Of course we are having equipment problems, again!


We have a small kubota tractor we use for loading the trommel.  It’s a great little tractor, but not really designed for the kind of work we are asking of it.  We keep having to stop and replace pins, weld cracks, tighten bolts.  Maybe we need to look into a skid steer or something for next season.  And wouldn’t you know it, the pay streak is getting better and better!  It’s infuriating.


Chunky Gold

It’s been a rough week.

Broke the coupler that connects the motor shaft to the trommel. Multiple trips back and forth to town. Rained so much we started thinking about building an ark. To top it all off, had a round of the flu.

After four days, the sun came out, we got the trommel back together, and had a perfect run.

Ran into some rotten bedrock. Started breaking it up and it is full of chunky, crystalline gold.

We even found a piece with quartz still attached. I never thought to find that in an area that experienced so much glacial activity. Guess I need to go back and give those quartz rocks in the tailing pile another look.


Good gold

Guess what? Went all the way home to get the trailer, started to load the little tractor, discovered a stuck lever or the backhoe attachment that was stealing all the hydraulic power. Walla! Fixed. We were right about this hole, gold keeps getting better.

