Tag Archives: king salmon

Winding Down

The salmon have returned to the creek.  I could sit down there for hours watching them.  After so many years in the ocean, they return to the very same river the were born.  Nature is amazing!  Seems our mining activities are really disturbing them!


We actually got a great video of them with our go pro camera.  The first salmon you see is a king (chinook), rare these days, the bright ruby red ones are reds (sockeye) salmon.

Time is running out in the season, the kid has to start school pretty soon.  Of course we are having equipment problems, again!


We have a small kubota tractor we use for loading the trommel.  It’s a great little tractor, but not really designed for the kind of work we are asking of it.  We keep having to stop and replace pins, weld cracks, tighten bolts.  Maybe we need to look into a skid steer or something for next season.  And wouldn’t you know it, the pay streak is getting better and better!  It’s infuriating.
