We went up to the mine on Super Bowl weekend. Teresa needed more dirt for her Panning kits and bags of Paydirt, so with the help of this little machine we were able to make it up the mountain. We had to break up the frozen mound of Paydirt with the bull dozer.
We did end up staying the night at the bunkhouse and believe it or not we just about cooked our selves out. Our little electric heater really puts out the heat. The hot dogs were forgotten but we were able to manage.

Following your blog sure makes me miss the peninsula. Looks like a nice way to spend any weekend, with the ones you love enjoying your hearts desire. Is the snow very deep this year up on the creek? The pictures don’t look too deep but that’s from a viewers perspective. My wife Tara, tells me stories of when you were all young and in school and says how cool of people that you and your in-laws are. I come from a long line of miners and have had Gold-Fever since I was eight. Down here in Spokane I really do not ever have the time to get out with my sluicing equipment. Everything is so far away and the few times I had the opportunity, the finds were poor. Anyway, in the city I treasure hunt with my metal detecting equipment. I have a nice setup but it’s not the same as running a dredge. Thanks for sharing your stories.
Thanks for following along with us. We would love to take you guys up to the mine if you get a chance to visit the peninsula. I bet you find some interesting things metal detecting close to the city. I don’t get to use my metal detector very often, the gold at our claim is a bit deep for detecting and we don’t have large gold. Our gold is fine to small flat flakes, sometimes a chunkier flake will find its way into the sluice but not very often. Posts should pick up when we start ramping up for the 2013 season.