Author Archives: terest test

Petersville Recreational Area

Bridge at Recreational Area in Petersville

Petersville Recreational Mining area is a great place to do some Panning, Sluicing and Dredging(with permit).  It is in the Foothills of Denali, a very beautiful place.  The Road to Petersville Mining area can be treacherous at times so be aware that you may have to turn around due to snow,mud and/or washouts.  I would not recommend taking a trailer up the road, it is one lane and you don’t know when you might have to back up a mile or two.  The road drops off immediately into a canyon on one sided and a rock wall on the other so no hugging the shoulders.  I have added a map of the Recreational area and a link to the States information on the site.  This is a good area and you can find fairly good gold here,  If anything it is a beautiful trip and alot of fun.

Dredging, How they did it in the old days

Back when gold companies started commercially processing in Alaska they would bring in these gigantic dredges piece by piece and they would assembled them on site.  Then the dredge would then make its own path down the creek they were processing.  These dredges are the reason you will find large tailing piles in the middle of no where.  This particular dredge is no longer here, the state dismantled it due to people breaking into the fenced in area.  It would have been very dangerous to have been walking around in due to rotten floor boards and other hazards created from having sat for so long out in the elements.


Came across a very interesting site this evening.  It is kinda fun to look through, it is people looking for work and willing to do it for 5 dollars.  There is a wide variety of things from a guy that will make you a fancy baloon animal to a guy that will put on an hour long webinar on a topic of your choice.  Anyway enough blabbering about it here is the link

You can check it out for yourself and who knows maybe you will find a service you cant live without for 5 dollars.

Crazy Adventures

Okay everyone who is reading and not commenting, If you will comment to this and tell me what your most amazing adventure is then I will share one of my all time favorite adventures as well.  It does not have to be extremely detailed, a line or two about something you have done that you will never forget would be fine.