Author Archives: terest test


Well the wife got this new gold pan on her birthday and we are itching to try it out, looks like it will be an effective concentrate recovery tool. It is called a turbo pan… We’ll see about that. We will try to set some time aside next month to test it’s turbo ability, I will write a review post once we try it out. In the mean time you can check it out at

Just a little father daughter time!

Here’s my daughter and me looking for that glory hole!  This spot did have a little gold but not enough to continue digging.  So we cleaned up the mess we made and moved on to the next speculation.  Lyra loves the tractor, she drives and operates it with a little help from dad, Sometimes we even just go for a cruse in it.
Notice the rag hanging from the Hydrolic cylinder on the excavator arm, I had a leak and the rag made it so the fluid would run into containment when it was sitting during the week.  There was a lot more wrong with the tractor so it went from the mine straight to the tractor doctor.  The parts list to repair this tractor was five pages long….Paying the bill was like passing a kidney stone.

The Mining Operation at Quartz Creek

Here we are dropping a load in the wash plant, The wash plant runs off of a two inch pump, the hopper has a vibrator motor attached to the bottom to assist in getting the dirt to slide down the hopper and fall into the sluice box, the vibration also help to break apart clumps and shake the gold stuck to rocks off.  All of our water runs off into settling ponds, you can see part of one in this picture.  We built the wash wash plant, although we will be constructing a larger one for next season, the more dirt you can move the more gold you can find.

Are you looking to get into Gold Mining?

There is a site owned by an Alaskan company “Alaska Mining and Diving,” that has a mining claims for sale in alaska column If your interested in getting into mining this is a good place to start.  This is where I picked up my claim on quartz creek.  To take a gander click this link, it will take you straight to the mines for sale page.ALASKA MINING AND DIVING – Mines for sale!