This year we have a new lineup on gold getting stuff. This includes a “new to us” John deer 1010 Dozer. The new bigger wash plant with a 12 ft long sluice. And a grizzly for taking out all those dangerous monster rocks.
Author Archives: terest test
Welcome to the start of the 2013 mining season

The New Bigger Better Plant
This is our new wash plant at the gold mine set in place and ready to run. Grandma and Lyra are trying it out. We got about two half days of running in this first three day weekend, we ran into some hiccups but we were able to devise some work a rounds. I will talk about more of that later. Lets get to the Meat and potatoes, what you really came here to see GOLD, this lower picture is what we hauled out of the ground our first weekend there. It is just shy of quarter ounce of gold.

Videos from the south
We have started selling dirt as you all know. Selling through amazon is a bit of a challenge since they wont ship Items back to Alaska if they are damaged in shipping. I would like to share a story of one of these damaged bags of paydirt.
Amazon gives us the option of either destroying the bag of dirt or shipping to somewhere in the lower 48 states. My dad happens to live in Arizona and he has never panned for gold, so I thought shipping it to him would be the best idea. He did me the favor of video taping himself in the act of trying to find gold where gold flakes come in a little golden package, I will give you a little spoiler on the video, he didnt read the instructions. This is a two part video, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, maybe I can get him up to the mine this year so his granddaughter can show him how to do this.

Sneak Peak
This is a sneak peak at our new, improved and bigger wash plant. The sun is out the snow is melting and soon you will be able to see some photos of this beast in action. As you have seen, if you have been following the blog, we have been up to the mine this winter. We have done some snow clearing to hurry along spring melt so we can set up our new equipment. Stay tuned for 2013 mining season news and photos, ITS ALMOST HERE!!!