We have started selling dirt as you all know. Selling through amazon is a bit of a challenge since they wont ship Items back to Alaska if they are damaged in shipping. I would like to share a story of one of these damaged bags of paydirt.
Amazon gives us the option of either destroying the bag of dirt or shipping to somewhere in the lower 48 states. My dad happens to live in Arizona and he has never panned for gold, so I thought shipping it to him would be the best idea. He did me the favor of video taping himself in the act of trying to find gold where gold flakes come in a little golden package, I will give you a little spoiler on the video, he didnt read the instructions. This is a two part video, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, maybe I can get him up to the mine this year so his granddaughter can show him how to do this.
This next video concludes the first video and demonstrates that even the guy new to mining can come up with innovative ways to find that yellow gold!