The baby was helping us feed the bunnies, actually she just stood there and stared since she could not move in the snow suite, reminds me of a movie, hrmm….. wonder which one?
Up here you never know who is going to stop by for dinner. Oh well needed the lawn mowed anyway. These guys hung out for a couple of days, you have to be careful when walking around one may just be hiding around the corner of the house.
I know, I know you have always wondered what is between Chicken and Eagle, Alaska. Breathtaking scenery! Amazing wildlife, and us exploring the Great North
We have a good state fair up here that has lots of amazing things to see. Livestock, Fruits, vegetables, rides, comedy shows, concerts and the always wonderful elephant ears mmmmmm.
The baby was very interested in the operation we had going on, we will make a gold miner out of her yet!
We have suspended paydirt ordering at this time. Various circumstances have lead us to not have been able to stock up winter inventory this summer. We apologize and hope to get back at some point in the future. Dismiss