I recently purchased a Lenovo Ideacentre and installed it as a media center. It is a very nicely designed PC, and small form. It has a built in HDMI port on the back so I only have to run 3 cables, one to my TV, one to my switch and one for power. The only complaint I have is that the receiver for the remote that comes with the machine is built in and is very sensitive as to what direction you are pointing the remote. All-in-All it is a very streamline system that runs very well. If I had to give it a 1-5 star rating I would give it 4 stars.
Category Archives: Uncategorized

Remember your 6 P’s while out Mining
Winter time is a drag!
Everything is frozen so I don’t get to do much mining this time of year, sorry for the lack of postings
NO Flight Attendant
Well this is the first time I have ever been on a delayed Plane because they lost their flight attendant. The told us we would be set back about an hour and a half. Luckily we were only delayed for about half an hour. I dont know where they managed to pull an attendant out of but I was glad to be back on the plane heading home.
Internet on a Plane!!
Well I sure do like technology. I am blogging and looking down on the world from a cruising altitude of 34000 feet. Its nice we now have more options than just reading or sleeping on the plane, of course they are going to take your money for the service which I think is kinda high but, you know what I am FLYING through the air and I could surf the Internet,play online games, chat with family and friends (Who are still on the ground by the way), and Post notes to my blog. I think next weekend I may try to post a video on how to pan for gold. I think its time to sign out but not before using a quote from a great movie, “Whats your Vector, Victor”