We had a little bit of an issue with a bear at camp who was not very happy that we never left any food out for him to snack on, so he tore up a couple canopy’s and I guess he wanted to see what My 4-wheeler seat tasted like. The least he could have done was to eat the piece he bit off of the seat, but it was not a flavor he liked so he just spit it our right next to the 4-wheeler. We took some large cans of finely ground black pepper and sprinkled A LOT of it around the camp and on every surface. After that we have not had any issues with bears in camp.

Holy crap, thats kinda scary. Glad you guys weren’t there the same time the bear was. One day we will make it up there, and I would love to see everything.
We were not there for this incident but he did make a few visits while we were there